Friday, March 10, 2017

My Day In Transition By Jon McCloud

I am in Transitions West Campus Program daily and I also work at Pizza Ranch as well as, go to 916 Computer Hardware and Game Design. At 916 we are working on making games. Right now we are making a game about a robot monkey that has a coconut gun that shoots coconuts at knights. The goal is to get to the finish line and collect bananas for points.  It is fun to create and I am learning a lot in the class about gaming programming.

At Pizza Ranch my job is to make and cut pizzas. We also have to prep the make table by getting stuff from the freezer or walk in cooler, and also slice and dice stuff too. At the end of the night when we close we have to oil and pan skillet pans, fill and flip the make table and the taco cooler, put away the make table, wipe down the tables and taco cooler, bring all pans to dish. Bring cutting board and knives to dish, turn off ovens, sweep behind and front of tables, mop deck scrub and dry mop the area.  This is my first job and I love this job. I like the people I work with and everything I do at Pizza Ranch.

I am also in SkillsUSA this spring at the state conference I will be competing EAP Employment Application Process and Action Skills.  In the Skills presentation I will be demonstrating how to install a RAM onto a computer.  I hope to qualify to go to Nationals in at least one of my SkillsUSA competitions. I plan on continuing with Transition next year as well since I am really learning and experiencing a lot of new things. By Jon McCloud


  1. Jon, I'm so happy to hear about your successs with our Program. Your day is busy! How's the pizza at work?

  2. Jon,
    Your game sounds like fun. What is the name of it?
