Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Transitions SkillsUSA Stillwater

We, the SkillsUSA Chapter at the Stillwater Transition Program, put together a retreat that enabled us to plan out the events for the rest of the school year.
We originally planned to take a bus to Lake Elmo Park Reserve, have a barbecue, and plan out events for the rest of the school year. At the start of the retreat, we split up into 5 different groups/ committees that we got to choose based on our interests within the chapter.
The five different groups that we split into were Public Relations, Social Events, Ways+Means, Community Service, and Professional Development. Each group had the task of planning two different activities that relate to each committee. The whole experience was very fun! It was a good way to work as a team and get to know each other a little bit better as a Chapter.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Historical Research Scavenger Hunt

Team Stillwater

Friday, September 15th one of the Transitions program student team building activities was to work in groups to compete in a downtown Stillwater historical scavenger hunt.  Teams were assembled based upon a mix of new students with seasoned veterans of the Transition Program. The task was to find, ask or google as many answers as we could in the time we were allotted. We had 30 historical questions listed and the winning team found 21 of the correct answers!!  Working in groups everyone participated and played a roll in their groups success. A fun community team building activity for all.

Team Ponies