Friday, February 9, 2018

Guest Speakers From Ideal Credit Union

Sarah & Nikki Ideal Credit Union
On Wednesday, January 31st, the transitions chapter of SkillsUSA had two guest speakers from Ideal Credit Union come in to speak. They talked about establishing credit and how to properly dress for a interview if you were to apply at the Credit Union. The speakers were Sarah and Nikki employees from the credit union.

We learned about many different aspects when it comes to working at a bank or a credit union and all the positions that are associated with it. Such as a bank teller, call service assistant, credit analysis person, or other positions that work in the customer service department at different credit union locations.

The group had many different types of questions that they asked to our speakers such
as: “How exactly do you establish credit?’’, “What different types of insurance are there?”
and many more. One of the other things that they talked about were what a good cover
letter looks like and also what is appropriate dress code for working at a bank or credit
union.  Overall, It was a good experience for everyone we learned a lot of valuable things
that we should really take into consideration as we mature as young adults.

By Kaitlyn Mathuas