Thursday, February 25, 2021

Hunter Starts Cosmetology at 916

Hi my name is Hunter Marcaccini and this is my first year in the program. I joined 916 a month ago at the start of second semester and I'm doing Cosmetology. I started the class with the unit on Nail Technician and I really like it so far.  I am doing the class online, because I want my parents to be safe. My mom has asthma and my step dad has diabetes. I just want them to be safe so they don’t get COVID-19.

Cosmetology is really good so far and I really like it a lot because, then I can do my artwork with nails. If I work really hard then I can do great with my artwork and art is my passion. I really want to be an artist. And next year I want to do Cosmetology Hair and Skin class for the year. I want to try new things that I have never done before, so I want to do it. I like trying new things in life like Cosmetology because it is challenging. I am also having fun with it and working really hard. Here are some examples of my work so far this year. And if you are a student and want to learn more about the class click on the following link to learn more!

Designs by Hunter

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Life Lessons At The Transition Program

Hello there! My name is Mackenzie Hietala and this is my third year at the transition program. When I first came to this program I didn’t have a job and I felt really insecure about it until Michael Albers, one of the teachers at the transition program helped me get my current job that I’m working at.

You may be asking yourself “Mackenzie if you still have a job? Why are you still here? I thought this program is just supposed to help you get a job?” This is where I am going to explain how this program can be beneficial to me by telling you what my classes are and what I learned so far.

The first class I have in the day is Personal Finance. So far this year I have learned about how a checkbook works and how to handle one. I now know what car to buy that would be beneficial to me. I also know now how mortgages work and how much money you should save for a house, if you are looking at buying one. Another important item I learned about was how to protect yourself from identity theft.

After that class the next class I have next is Replicated Reality, which I learned about how to behave in a workplace. As well as how to search for a job and how to maintain an employment portfolio. This quarter we have a new teacher for this class. So currently we are going over Driver’s ED for people who are looking to take their permit test or driver’s test.

The last class of the day for me is Independent Living, in this class we go over cooking such as being given a recipe to try to make at home, learning about certain types of food groups and their nutritional value. Also how to prepare larger meals for friends and our families.

This program has taught me so much about what it's like out in the real world. Honestly without this program I probably still wouldn’t have a job and have to navigate through life the hard way. ~Mackenzie

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Retirement For Jacki Beedle 🌻


Jacki Beedle has been with Stillwater Public Schools for 23 years!!  Her service with students and teachers across the district has touched many lives.   Jacki is wrapping up her career in education as a Paraprofessional at the Transition 18 to 21 Program located at Oak Park.  Jacki worked for years at Stillwater High School in the Special Education Department.  

We at the Transition Program will miss her dearly!  Jacki has always been dependable, hard working and upbeat no matter what circumstances we have faced in the classroom and life this past year.  We all wish you well on your next chapter in retirement Jacki.  Enjoy it you certainly deserve it!!!  

Thanks again for all you have done for students in the district all these years!      ~Transition Staff

Monday, February 1, 2021

January Back To School

 Monday to Thursday in person classes resume at Stillwater Transition at oak Park building.  We are in session from 7:45am to 2pm.