Thursday, February 25, 2021

Hunter Starts Cosmetology at 916

Hi my name is Hunter Marcaccini and this is my first year in the program. I joined 916 a month ago at the start of second semester and I'm doing Cosmetology. I started the class with the unit on Nail Technician and I really like it so far.  I am doing the class online, because I want my parents to be safe. My mom has asthma and my step dad has diabetes. I just want them to be safe so they don’t get COVID-19.

Cosmetology is really good so far and I really like it a lot because, then I can do my artwork with nails. If I work really hard then I can do great with my artwork and art is my passion. I really want to be an artist. And next year I want to do Cosmetology Hair and Skin class for the year. I want to try new things that I have never done before, so I want to do it. I like trying new things in life like Cosmetology because it is challenging. I am also having fun with it and working really hard. Here are some examples of my work so far this year. And if you are a student and want to learn more about the class click on the following link to learn more!

Designs by Hunter


  1. Hunter, I am happy you are so excited about the 916 class. Best of luck. Reggie

  2. Hunter, awesome job! So proud of you!!

  3. Congratulations, Hunter! I love the designs you created!
